Art is an extension of human emotion. When it’s done right, it is simultaneously an expression and a discussion of all the swirling, wonderful passions that can inhabit a human soul.
Through another’s art is how one can safely experience emotions one cannot articulate or be cognizant of in real life. Art broadens our emotional range without the consequences those feelings are attached to.
If you have ever felt overwhelmed by the dreariness of the ordinary every day, then art is the medium through which colour can be consumed. The artist can give depth to another’s daydreams or make flesh another’s nightmares.
Art can be used to revisit the feelings that we ourselves have had and want to be reminded of — or feelings which we no longer have when we wish to remember a lesson well-learnt.
Art is how we know that someone else, another individual made of thoughts and human frailty, has felt the same emotions that we have felt. Art is how we know we’re not alone. This is what art is for.
This is art’s purpose.